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GICS: Health Care Sector | CrowdPoint Technologies

The Health Care Sector includes health care providers & services, companies that manufacture and distribute health care equipment & supplies, and health care technology companies.

THeX The Health Care Sector includes health care providers & services, companies that manufacture and distribute health care equipment & supplies, and health care technology companies. It also includes companies involved in the research, development, production, and marketing of pharmaceuticals and biotechnology products.

Within the Health Care Exchange, there are Marketplaces.  Listed below are the current Marketplaces within the Health Care GICs Sector.



The Advanced Medicine Marketplace is based on the fundamental concepts associated with being advanced and not being the status quo.  The Merriam – Webster’s dictionary defines the word “Advanced” as the following:
  •  Being beyond others in progress or ideas
  •  Being beyond the elementary or introductory
  •  Greatly developed beyond an initial stage
  •  Much evolved from an early ancestral type

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