Immunity is the ability of something to resist a particular infection or toxin by the action of a specific innoculation.
An adaptive immune system also referred to as the acquired immune system, is a subsystem of an immune system.
Innate immunity is present at birth and does not have learned exposure (acquired immunity) and treats foreign invaders similarly, recognizing only a few antigens (non-self substances) and having no memory of the encounters, and does not protect against future infection.
Acquired immunity is a learned process where the immune system encounters foreign invaders and beings to learn and recognize antigens to find the best way to attack each invader.
A digital immune system is a defense process that is comprised of interconnected features and processes within an environment that protects against destructive attacks.
An immunity plan should be composed of specialized, systemic functions and processes that eliminate the effectiveness of an attack by preventing its ability to take place or be effective.
CrowdPoint uses big data analytics, machine learning, and hardware knowledge to analyze responses to cyber attacks and viruses. We have developed an enhanced and disruptive approach to be preventative, preemptive, and proactive to never before seen attacks. This process of acquired immunity is the basis of creating a kind of vaccination similar to what someone might find in medicine.
To "vaccinate" technology from getting a virus draws parallels from cyber attacks to biological warfare and designs a defense-in-depth strategy that provides a process to inoculate our customers